workplace wellness helps retain employees

Workplace Wellness: How To Avoid “The Great Resignation” Fallout

In August alone, 4.3 million people quit their jobs. In other words, think about what would happen if half of New York City simultaneously resigned at once.

The Great Resignation of 2021 is real. And it’s happening right in front of us. While some would argue that people “don’t want to work”, that’s just not the case. Proactive employers should be doing everything in their power to avoid the harrowing fallout that comes with losing valuable employees – all at once.

Understanding why so many people are “no longer accepting the unacceptable” working conditions, lack of benefits, and overall workload can help employers create strong retention strategies that promote workplace wellness and sustain a healthy work-life balance.

Why Are So Many People Quitting Their Jobs?

People leave jobs for all kinds of reasons that are specific to the company they worked for. Any voluntary resignation should be reviewed carefully by Human Resources or higher-level management to improve the working environment and ultimately prevent future employees from leaving for the same reason.

The COVID-19 pandemic ripped the rug out from everyone – especially corporate organizations. It’s believed that so many people are resigning in 2021 for multiple reasons including:

  1. A high-demand for mid-level employees who don’t need as much initial training. As the world shifted to working from home there was a lack of means to provide sufficient, hands-on training for entry-level employees. Mid-level employees who wanted to leave their current positions and find new jobs felt the risk of leaving a company they’ve built up credibility (and subpar benefits) with was too high.
  2. Healthcare and technology industries were hit hard after “pandemic” became a part of our regular vocabulary. High stress work environments such as these caused excessive burnout. As a result, employees prioritized their mental and physical health and gave resignation notice.
  3. People also experienced “pandemic epiphanies” and came to the conclusion that they’re ready to start fresh and pursue other passions instead.
  4. Lack of recognition, hazard pay, increasingly long shifts, and mandated requirements to come to work during a global pandemic.

Taking into account why people are collectively deciding to leave your company should be a wake-up call that a change needs to happen – and fast. Implementing solutions to strengthen employee retention rates should be top of mind in a time like this.

How To Retain Employees During The Great Resignation

Giving people a reason to want to work for you shouldn’t be a burden. It should be an opportunity to become the place employees brag about to their friends and family. Avoiding mass resignation fallout starts by being ahead of the conversation, so there isn’t a confrontation.

So ask yourself:

  • Are employees quitting their jobs because the workload is too high?
  • Does my team feel like they have a dead end job with no advancement opportunities?
  • Are you requiring them to keep their cameras on all day if they’re working from home?

If you’re struggling to come up with a logical solution, never be afraid to simply ask employees what could be done to make their jobs easier and more enjoyable.

Workplace Wellness Promotes Employee Longevity

Helping employees find fulfillment in their day-to-day job responsibilities will help sustain (or grow) your retention rate. An often overlooked opportunity to create a healthy work-life balance is incorporating workplace wellness programs. Exploring different ways to equip employees with the right mental tools that keep stress levels low shows them you value their time and see them as humans rather than a means to a profitable end.

virtual workplace wellness programs

Virtual Wellness For Remote Employees

An essential part of loving your job is loving your coworkers. Body Techniques offers a variety of virtual wellness programs that keep your remote employees engaged with one another, as well as your business. Each program is designed to meet your team where they’re at, literally. From 15-minute mental reset sessions to meditation workshops and corporate fitness classes, virtual wellness is a giant step forward to improve the benefits and work environment within your company.

In-Office Corporate Massage

While there are many workplace wellness strategies you can use to strengthen your retention rates, corporate massage therapy is a client favorite. After all, who doesn’t look forward to the day they get a massage at the office? Our specialized massage therapists are able to bring your workplace wellness benefits on-site and provide a program based on your budget and office space.

Corporate massage helps employees take a well-deserved mental break from the daily grind. After the massage, they feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the next big project. All thanks to the benefits you provided.

yoga workplace wellness programs

Corporate Yoga & Meditation

Introducing corporate yoga to your employees sets the foundation to help them live a healthy work-life balance. Routinely practicing meditation, breathwork, and mind/body connection it’s easier to break up daunting projects and deadlines into smaller, more manageable pieces and lower stress levels.

Employees Stay When They Feel Valued

If The Great Resignation isn’t enough to convince you that it may be time to rethink the benefits you offer, the risk of losing valuable, multiple employees should light the fire. There’s never a bad time to invest in the perks you offer. In fact, your employees will appreciate that you’re making a move to prioritize their health and lower stress levels across the board. Show employees you care by offering – and encouraging – workplace wellness!

The math is simple: when employees are less stressed about their jobs they’re happier and efficient in their work. Not to mention they’ll be more likely to stay with your company because they enjoy what they do.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Adding workplace wellness to your benefits is the right thing to do. Body Techniques works with businesses nationwide to help employees stress less, work harder, and enjoy the lives they live. If you have questions about pricing or how to incorporate our stress management services we’d love to hear from you! Schedule your consultation today to get started.


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