Top 3 Employer Benefits from Corporate Fitness Programs

corporate fitness program

Corporate fitness programs are an important part of any stress management program because these unique, customized experiences allow employees to relieve stress and refocus their energy. Corporate fitness programs also provide employers with these top three benefits: lower healthcare costs, reduced absenteeism, and improved retention and turnover rates.

Employer Benefit #1: Lower Healthcare Costs

According to a recent CNBC article, national insurance premiums have been increasing an average of 7% each year. An effective corporate fitness program can save on costs associated with these premiums for both employees and employers. When employees enroll in a company-sponsored fitness program, they become healthier through participation and end up spending less on healthcare-related expenses (hospital visits, prescription drugs, etc.). According to Bankrate, “an inactive person spends $1,500 extra on health costs per year.” As for employer savings, Los Alamos National Laboratory, for example, saved $21 million in three years after implementing a robust wellness program. They then passed the savings on to their employees with a “premium holiday” in which no premium payments were taken out of their paychecks for two pay periods!

Employer Benefit #2: Reduced Absenteeism

The Wellness Council of America has found that more than 100 million workdays are lost each year due to lower back pain. Companies offering fitness programs can reduce instances of lower back pain and other injuries, resulting in healthier employees who will miss fewer days of work. Johnson and Johnson, for example, watched its absenteeism rate fall by 15% within two years of implementing a fitness program. Dupont Corporation was also able to reduce the number of disability days among its workforce by 14 days per year after implementing a fitness program.

Employer Benefit #3: Improved Retention and Turnover

Tenneco, a Fortune 500 company, found that employees who enrolled in a company-sponsored corporate fitness program were 13% less likely to leave the company. Additionally, Afflink notes that effective wellness programs that incorporate elements like fitness programs reduce turnover by demonstrating support from top leadership and increasing engagement among colleagues.

As companies continue to compete for top talent, employee benefits play a large part in attracting and keeping employees. In competitive industries especially, companies need to differentiate themselves with customized benefits packages. If your organization is looking for a customized experience for your employees and has a designated room with adequate space, Body Techniques can create a fitness program from a wide range of class styles, including Bootcamp, Zumba, and Pilates.

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